Sunday, November 27, 2011

Time Out

Well, my writing has DEFINITELY fallen off over the past few weeks.  I am working on a new hobby- etching glass and mirrors- and as I am now taking orders for the holidays, most of my spare time is taken up with that.  I am still thinking about the direction of my story every day, and still seem to be stuck, for whatever reason.  It is most frustrating.

However, with the business of my new hobby, and an attempt save my sanity,  have decided to walk away from the story for a little while.  After the holidays, and my days are not taken up with etching, I will resume.  It has been a decision that I have been struggling with, but I have the support of an amazing partner who promises to give me a kick in the @$$ in mid-January if I am still procrastinating. 

So, for a month or so, farewell.  But please, keep checking back in the unlikely event that I am able to get some time to myself to work this block I've got going on, in which case, I will post!  If I don't post before, have an amazing holiday season, and I will write again next year :-p

1 comment:

  1. I think you should take that artistic muse that's inspiring you -- etching glass -- and work it into your story somehow, make it a hobby or occupation of one of your characters. If it has your interest and knowledge--use it! :o) And post some pictures of your creations! They sound beautiful.
