Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Every little bit helps

Yay, I finally wrote a little yesterday!  :-p  It was only a quick 2 paragraphs, but I found myself lying in bed last night thinking about where I'm going to go with the next few paragraphs and how I want this scene to happen, which hasn't happened in a few months, so I think the creative juices are sluggishly starting to flow again.

I'm not going to push it, and maybe try to write a few more paragraphs tonight, but if the words aren't coming, I'm going to sit there and try to force them.  They'll come out on their own, when they're ready.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Terrible Writer

Yup, I'm officially a terrible writer.  I said I would start writing and posting again at the start of the New Year, and here we are, most of the way through April, and I have yet to do either.  In my defense, my life has been hella crazy...  I picked up a second part-time job, so that's keeping me busy, along with my full time job, and my glass/mirror etching on the side. 

I have been thinking about the transition that has been giving me so many issues over the past several months, and I still haven't quite decided how I'm going to work around it.  My goal is start carrying my net book around with me, since it's cute and small and fits nicely in my purse so when I have a few spare minutes, I can jot down some notes, and try to work through this transition.  It's a good thing I decided not to set a time-table on this project, because I would be terribly behind and very likely discouraged :-p

Baby steps!  I'll get there :-)